Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2nd


hmm... god, breakfast was a long time ago. I'm currently preparing to leave to Maine so I've been running around crazy all day, and my crazy day started with me waking up late and having a large mug of green tea for breakfast. I'll try to remember to take a picture of my mug tomorrow morning, its really a nice mug with a decent story. Its also coming to Maine with me (assuming I don't forget) so it'll be seen at some point! But I managed to drink down the tea and show my mom how to care for my fish before I had to run to have lunch with my friends from home. It was my last chance to see them all until Spring break which isn't until March. Seems awful far away.

So, Maine. I'm excited for this, I really am. My whole life I've wanted to leave and live on a farm and work hard all day and just have nature and animals to consider, not time or traffic or technology. I am excited. I've got a stack of books to read, my ER: Emergency Room DVD's from seasons 1-3 to watch, and I started a new scarf which is to be knitted until its around 60". Hopefully it won't go too quick, since I managed about 4 inches today in an hour or so. I'm both hoping and not hoping that I'll have easy internet access. Obviously, I'm doing this blog and not having internet will be a bit of a problem, but at the same time it'd be really nice to "break the addiction" so to speak and just get REAL stuff done. I love reading and knitting because it feels like you've accomplished something rather then just spent a few hours aimlessly on the inter webs.
At the moment, my greatest fear is regarding cell service, which is pathetic, but I will be distraught if I can't contact parents, boyfriend, school friends, and home friends. That will just be too hard while also living away from home. But, honestly, I'm not going THAT far into the boonies and I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll probably be laughing at this post tomorrow while I sit in bed there, as I am now, on the internet after just talking to people for a few hours.
I am really excited to be around horses 24/7 and be working hard again. There's not much else like the endorphin rush after getting some real work done and having a nice finished product. Hopefully this will be everything I've ever dreamed of! Wish me luck!

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